Although Hamilton tickets are really difficult to get, nothing is impossible if you are committed to get the tickets.First of all, keep in mind that Hamilton is the biggest show on the Broadway, and it’s tickets sell really fast. So, no matter what pathway you take to buy the tickets, you will have to be vigilant and fast.
In this article, we will share some of the best tricks you can use to get Hamilton tickets for the Broadway theater.
Why Getting Hamilton Tickets is So Difficult?
As we already mentioned, the Hamilton show is really popular not only in the United States, but around the globe as well. So, in addition to the locals, lots of tourists also book the tickets to the show and are always interested to watch this historical and beautifully put together theatrical.
Moreover, many people by Hamilton tickets in advance, and then resell them for a higher price than their face value. That is because, apparently, reselling ticketsfor more than their face value is legal in New York City.
So, professional resellers use bots to automatically buy the tickets as soon as they become available online, and then sell them for a much higher price. This is another reason why getting Hamilton tickets is so difficult.
Getting Tickets at Face Value
If you are lucky enough, you can also get the tickets to Hamilton at face value. However, for this, you will have to subscribe for their official email newsletter on the official website.
Once you are done with the subscription, you will start receiving regular emails from Hamilton, including updates on ticket prices and availability.
Whenever you receive an email from Hamilton mentioning that new tickets are available, you will have to act fast and buy the tickets within minutes to prevent bots from winning over you.